

actually care … a little…about the creatures of one's imagination。

In any case; I've decided to publish The Green Mile in a series of small paperbacks; in the nieenthcentury manner; and I hope you'll write and tell me (a) if you liked the story; and (b) if you liked the seldom used but rather amusing delivery system。 It has certainly energized the writing of the story; although at this moment (a rainy evening in October of 1995) it is still far from done; even in rough draft; and the oute remains in some doubt。 That is part of the excitement of the whole thing; though…at this point I'm driving through thick fog with the pedal all the way to the metal。

Most of all; I want to say that if you have even half as much fun reading this as I did writing it; we'll both be well off。 Enjoy 。。。 and why not read this aloud; with a friend? If nothing else; it will shorten the time until the next installment appears on your newsstand or in your local bookstore。

In the meantime; take care; and be good to one another。

Stephen King

Part One:

The Two Dead Girls


This happened in 1932; when the state penitentiary was still at Cold Mountain。 And the electric chair was there; too; of course。

The inmates made jokes about the chair; the way people always make jokes about things that frighten them but can't be gotten away from。 They called it Old Sparky; or the Big Juicy。 They made cracks about the power bill; and how Warden Moores would cook his Thanksgiving dinner that fall; with his wife; Melinda; too sick to cook。

But for the ones who actually had to sit down in that chair; the humor went out of the situation in a hurry。 I presided over seventy…eight executions during my time at Cold Mountain (that's one figure I've nev











