

eeth as they plowed; deep countryside where men were apt to handle snakes on Sunday morning and lie down in carnal embrace with their daughters on Sunday night。 I knew their families; most of them had sent Sparky a meal from time to time。 On the far side of the river; the members of the posse could see the June sun glinting off the steel rails of a Great Southern branch line。 About a mile downstream to their right; a trestle crossed toward the coal…fields of West Green。

Here they found a wide trampled patch in the grass and low bushes; a patch so bloody that many of the men had to sprint back into the woods and relieve themselves of their breakfasts。 They also found the rest of Cora's nightgown lying in this bloody patch; and Howie; who had held up admirably until then; reeled back against his father and nearly fainted。

And it was here that Bobo Marchant's dogs had their first and only disagreement of the day。 There were six in all; two bloodhounds; two bluetick hounds; and a couple of those terrierlike mongrels border Southerners call coon hounds。 The coonies wanted to go northwest; upstream along the Trapingus; the rest wanted to go in the other direction; southeast。 They got all tangled in their leads; and although the papers said nothing about this part; I could imagine the horrible curses Bobo must have rained down on them as he used his hands … surely the most educated part of him … to get them straightened around again。 I have known a few hound…dog men in my time; and it's been my experience that; as a class; they run remarkably true to type。

Bobo shortleashed them into a pack; then ran Cora Detterick's torn nightgown under their noses; to kind of remind them what they were doing out on a day when the temperature would be in the mid…niies by 











