

noon and the noseeums were already circling the heads of the possemen in clouds。 The coonies took another sniff; decided to vote the straight ticket; and off they all went downstream; in full cry。

It wasn't but ten minutes later when the men stopped; realizing they could hear more than just the dogs。 It was a howling rather than a baying; and a sound no dog had ever made; not even in its dying extremities。 It was a sound none of them had ever heard anything make; but they knew right away; all of them; that it was a man。 So they said; and I believed them。 I think I would have recognized it; too。 I have heard men scream just that way; I think; on their way to the electric chair。 Not a lot … most button themselves up and go either quiet or joking; like it was the class picnic … but a few。 Usually the ones who believe in hell as a real place; and know it is waiting for them at the end of the Green Mile。

Bobo shortleashed his dogs again。 They were valuable; and he had no intention of losing them to the psychopath howling and gibbering just down yonder。 The other men reloaded their guns and snapped them closed。 That howling had chilled them all; and made the sweat under their arms and running down their backs feel like icewater。 When men take a chill like that; they need a leader if they are to go on; and Deputy McGee led them。 He got out in front and walked briskly (I bet he didn't feel very brisk right then; though) to a stand of alders that jutted out of the woods on the right; with the rest of them trundling along nervously about five paces behind。 He paused just once; and that was to motion the biggest man among them … Sam Hollis … to keep near Klaus Detterick。

On the other side of the alders there was more open ground stretching back to the woods on











