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ned… or making a prophetic lamentation aboutsomething that was yet to happen… within the verge of the dismalforest。 So Pearl; who had enough of shadow in her own little life;chose to break off all acquaintance with this repining brook。 Sheset herself; therefore; to gathering violets and wood…anemones; andsome scarlet columbines that she found growing in the crevices of ahigh rock。 When her elf…child had departed; Hester Prynne made a step or twotowards the track that led through the forest; but still remainedunder the deep shadow of the trees。 She beheld the ministeradvancing along the path; entirely alone; and leaning on a staff whichhe had cut by the wayside。 He looked haggard and feeble; andbetrayed a nerveless despondency in his air; which had never soremarkably characterised him in his walks about the settlement; nor inany other situation where he deemed himself liable to notice。 Hereit was woefully visible; in this intense seclusion of the forest;which of itself would have been a heavy trial to the spirits。 Therewas a listlessness in his gait; as if he saw no reason for takingone step farther; nor felt any desire to do so; but would have beenglad; could he be glad of anything; to fling himself down at theroot of the nearest tree; and lie there passive; for evermore。 Theleaves might bestrew him; and the soil gradually accumulate and form alittle hillock over his frame; no matter whether there were life in itor no。 Death was too definite an object to be wished for; or avoided。 To Hester's eye; the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale exhibited no symptom ofpositive and vivacious suffering; except that; as little Pearl hadremarked; he kept his hand over his heart。 XVII。 THE PASTOR AND HIS PARISHIONER。 SLOWLY as the minister walke

