指點迷津提示您:看後求收藏(第32部分,紅字-the scarlet letter(英文版),指點迷津,630看書),接著再看更方便。


of more thana temporary struggle。 He sank down on the ground; and buried hisface in his hands。 〃I might have known it;〃 murmured he。 〃I did know it! Was not thesecret told me; in the natural recoil of my heart; at the firstsight of him; and as often as I have seen him since? Why did I notunderstand? O Hester Prynne; thou little; little knowest all thehorror of this thing! And the shame!… the indelicacy!… the horribleugliness of this exposure of a sick and guilty heart to the very eyethat would gloat over it? Woman; woman; thou are accountable for this!I cannot forgive thee!〃 〃Thou shalt forgive me!〃 cried Hester; flinging herself on thefallen leaves beside him。 〃Let God punish! Thou shalt forgive!〃 With sudden and desperate tenderness; she threw her arms around him;and pressed his head against her bosom; little caring though his cheekrested on the scarlet letter。 He would have released himself; butstrove in vain to do so。 Hester would not set him free; lest he shouldlook her sternly in the face。 All the world had frowned on her… forseven long years had it frowned upon this lonely woman… and stillshe bore it all; nor ever once turned away her firm; sad eyes。 Heaven;likewise; had frowned upon her; and she had not died。 But the frown ofthis pale; weak; sinful; and sorrow…stricken man was what Hester couldnot bear; and live! 〃Wilt thou yet forgive me?〃 she repeated; over and over again。 〃Wiltthou not frown? Wilt thou forgive?〃 〃I do forgive you; Hester;〃 replied the minister; at length; witha deep utterance; out of an abyss of sadness; but no anger。 〃Ifreely forgive you now。 May God forgive us both! We are not; Hester;the worst sinners in the world。 There is one worse than even thepolluted priest! That old man's revenge has been blacker than mysin。 He has violated;

