精靈王提示您:看後求收藏(第27部分,四季隨筆-the private papers of henry ryecroft(英文版),精靈王,630看書),接著再看更方便。


gardens; that tranquillity and security which make a music in the mind of him who gazes……these are what a man must see and feel if he would appreciate the worth and the power of England。 The people which has made for itself such homes as these is distinguished; above all things; by its love of order; it has understood; as no other people; the truth that 〃order is heaven's first law。〃 With order it is natural to find stability; and the bination of these qualities; as seen in domestic life; results in that peculiarly English product; our name for which……though but a pale shadow of the thing itself……has been borrowed by other countries: fort。

Then Englishman's need of 〃fort〃 is one of his best characteristics; the possibility that he may change in this respect; and bee indifferent to his old ideal of physical and mental ease; is the gravest danger manifest in our day。 For 〃fort;〃 mind you; does not concern the body alone; the beauty and orderliness of an Englishman's home derive their value; nay; their very existence; from the spirit which directs his whole life。 Walk from the village to the noble's mansion。 It; too; is perfect of its kind; it has the dignity of age; its walls are beautiful; the gardens; the park about it are such as can be found only in England; lovely beyond pare; and all this represents the same moral characteristics as the English cottage; but with greater activities and responsibilities。 If the noble grow tired of his mansion; and; letting it to some crude owner of millions; go to live in hotels and hired villas; if the cottager sicken of his village roof; and transport himself to the sixth floor of a 〃block〃 in Shoreditch; one sees but too well that the one and the other have lost the old English sense of fort; and; in losing it; have suff











